Brunswick’s Unemployment Rate Drops in January

Monday, March 29th, 2021

Georgia Labor Commissioner Mark Butler said Thursday that Brunswick saw a decrease in its unemployment rate in January.

“In January we saw the rate drop in every MSA but one,” said Commissioner of Labor Mark Butler. “Starting the year off strong with such a positive indicator is promising, especially as we learn to adapt to this everchanging workforce due to COVID.”

 In Brunswick, the unemployment rate decreased by 0.8 percentage points in January, reaching 4.7 percent. A year ago, the rate was 3.6 percent.

The labor force increased in Brunswick by 30,100 and ended the month with 51,879. That number is down 737 when compared to January of 2020.

Brunswick finished the month with 49,435 employed residents.  That number increased by 481 over the month and is down by 1,285 when compared to the same time a year ago.

Brunswick ended January with 41,800 jobs. That number decreased by 700 from December to January and decreased by 2,000 when compared to this time last year.

The number of unemployment claims stayed even in Brunswick. When compared to last January, claims were up by about 400 percent.

Employ Georgia, the GDOL’s online job listing service at showed about 590 active job postings in metro Brunswick for January.