About Our Authors
Frank Newport
(un)Common Logic
5 Star Car Title Loans
Aaron Cox
Aaron Hale
Adam McCann
Addiction Treatment Magazine
Agility Writer
Aileen Harris, GMA
Al Davidson
Alan Flurry
Alan Stewart
Alex Brown, Stateline
Alia Hoyt
Allison Floyd
Allison Salerno
Allyson Mann
Amanda Budd
Amanda C. Coyne
Amber George
American Trucks
Andrew Ham
Andrew Young
Andy Miller
Angelina Panettieri
Anna Akins
AnnMaura Connolly
Anup K. Sharma, MD MBA
Architectural Digest
Arnold Punaro
Ashley D. Bell
Austin Clark
Austin Gibbons
Bader Scott
Baker Owens
Barbara Myers
Baruch Feigenbaum
Becky Kurtz
Ben Scafidi
Benita M. Dodd
Benjamin Hill
Better Business Bureau
Bianca Thrasher-Starobin of National Small Business Association Leadership Council
Bone Voyage Rescue
Brenton Smith
Brian Kemp
Brian Sopp
Brittany Adams-Pope
Brittany Aiello
Brittany Standifer
Bruce Bailey
Bruce Schreiner
Bryan Griffith
Bryan Hancock
Bryan Palmer, Chief Executive Officer, UnitedHealthcare of Georgia
Cal Powell
Cam Johnson
Camie Williams
Cara Fields
Carl Vinson
Carley Stephens
Carolyn Lee and Beatriz Landa
Celeste Boyd-Spear
Charles Bullock
Charles Clay
Charlie Bauder
Charlie Harper
Chris Carr
Chris Clark
Chris Denson
Chris Higdon
Chris Ingstad
Christiana McFarland
Christopher Powell Jones
Christopher Quinn, American Red Cross of Georgia Public Affairs Volunteer
Chuck Clay
Chuck Eaton
Cindy Eidson
Cindy Morley
Claire Sanders
Clark Leonard
Clarke Schwabe
Clay Cox
Clay Talton
Clint Thompson
Colton Campbell
Construction Coverage
Contractor Growth Network
Corsica Technologies
Courtney Alford-Pomeroy
Courtney Cameron
Craven Hudson
Cristina deRevere
Daily Drop
Danielle Bezila
Danielle Davis
Danielle Harris
Dave Baker, Former PSC Chair
Dave Emanuel
Dave Williams
David Bridges
David Dodson
David Nuckolls
David Pendered
David Pollock
David Powell
Deana Holiday Ingraham
Degree Choices
Deirdre Hewitt
Deke Copenhaver
Delano Collins
Denise Ward
Dennis Lockhart
Diana Ennen
Donna Morris
Doug Smith
Dr. Anna Courie
Dr. Brooks Keel
Dr. Kent MacDonald
Dr. Stephen Palte
Dr. Timothy G. Nash
Dr. Toyosi Okurounmu
Dustin Jones
Each Night
Eagle Dumpster Rental
Ed Crowell
Edgar Bueno
Elarbee Thompson
Elizabeth Chaffin PT, DPT
Elizabeth Elmore
Elizabeth Murthy
Elmer Gray
Emilie Gille
Emily Cabrera
Emily Kenworthy
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Eric Rangus
Eric Tanenblatt
Eric Wearne
Erica Techo
Evan Malbrough
Family Destinations Guide
Fostering Success Act, Inc.
Fran Putney
Frank Stephenson
Fred Perriman
Gabe Vodicka
Georgia Center for Nonprofits
Georgia Chamber of Commerce
Georgia Municipal Association
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Glenn Spencer
Gopinath (Gopi) Munisamy
Gordon Giffin
Governor Brian Kemp
Governor Kemp
Govindaraj Dev Kumar and Laurel L Dunn
Grantor: Georgia Environmental Protection Division
Greg Trevor
Haley Arner
Harold Brown
Heather Shultz
Heather Skyler
Heidi Holmes Erickson
IAG Staff
Ian Bennett
Inara Patton
Income Nerd
Ines Owens
J. Merritt Melancon
Jack Bernard
James Hataway
Jamie Carlington
Janita R. Stewart
Jared Cooper
Jason Fremstad
Jason Gilbreth
Jason Shaw
Jay Markwalter,
Jay Stone
Jayne Roberts
Jeff Dantre
Jeff Stinson
Jennifer Abshire
Jennifer Hilliard Scott
Jennifer Rainey Marquez
Jennifer Reynolds
Jennifer Safavian
Jennifer Whittaker
Jessica Pope
Jim Bugel
Jim Peake
Jim Thornton, GMA President
JMO Staff
Joe Bocherer
Joe Brannen
Joe Hillman
Joe Howland
John Avery
John C. Goodman
John Foy & Associates
John G. Murphy
John Tabellione
John Toon
Jon Burns
Jordan Powers
Josh Paine
Josie Smith
Journo Research
Jovita Carranza
Joy Crosby
Judy Graham-Weaver
Julian Hentze
Junior Harewood
Justin McCarthy
Justin Tilghman
Kasey Bozeman
Kathryn Kao
Keara Vickers
Keith R. Boydston
Keith Reynold Jennings
Kelly Simmons
Kevin Faigle
Kevin Howarth
Kim Broun
Kim Broun, Public Relations Specialist, UGA SBDC
Kim Greene
Knight Foundation
Krista Richmond
Kristen Bahler
Kristen Morales
Kristin Gibson
Kyle Wingfield
Lake Homes Realty
Larry Hanson
Larry K. Williams
Lauren Baggett
Laurie Anderson
Lawn Love
Leanne Gassaway
Lee Thomas
Leigh Beeson
Leslie Matos
Liberty London
Lillian Dickens
Lillian Sosbee
Lindsay Tuck Morris
Lisa Morgan
Lisa Pham
Lizeth George
Lizzie Danielson
Lona Panter
Loran Posey
Louann Bronstein
Lt. Governor Duncan
LTL Language School
Luckshume Ketheeswaran
Lucky Gambler
Luxury Link
Madison Thornhill
Maj. William Carraway
Mallory Lawrence
Mandy B. Marable
Marc Figueroa
Margaret Blanchard
Maria M. Lameiras
Marilyn Stephens
Mark Bowman
Mark Lupo
Mark McCann
Mark Smith
Mark Templeton
Marth Zoller
Martin Dasko
Martin Wunderly
Marty Lueken and Benjamin Scafidi
Mary Waters
Matt Arthur
Matt Towery
Matt Wilmot
Megan Brenan
Megan McCamey
Melissa Furman
Merritt Melancon
Merritt Melancon
Michael Pearson
Michael Sullivan
Michael Terrazas
Mike Smith
Mike Wooten
Milledge Austin
Mills Fleming
Mirela Mohan
Mitchell Kopelman
Monty Veazey
Moving Feedback
Neil L. Pruitt, Jr.
Nikki Perry
Nolan Alexander
North Georgia Community Foundation
Olivia Randall
Ori Epstein
Paige Fowler
Paige Parvin
Pam Knox
Pamela A. Keene
Pat Wilson
Patrick Hickey
Patrick Sands
Patti Lyons
Paul F Brown
Peter Carter
Phil Best
Phil Kent
Play Minesweeper
PSC Commissioner Lauren “Bubba” McDonald
Pure CBD Now
Rachael Andrews
Rachel Elizondo
Rachel Gambill
Rajeev Dhawan
Randall Stephenson
Raphael Bostic
Ray Parry
Re-Essa Buckels
Rep. Erick Allen
Rhiannon Eades
Richard Barid
Richard Woods
Rick Jackson
Ritesh Desai
Robert Davison
Robert Smith
Robert Steuteville
Robert Steuteville
Robin Hubier
Rocky Moretti
Rod Guajardo
Roger Nielsen
Roger Nielsen
Roy Parry
RubyHome Luxury Real Estate
Rusi Patel
Ryan Luckey
Sadie Krawczyk
Sam Fahmy
Sam Fahmy, Jordan Powers for CAES News
Samuel L. Pardue
Santiago Marquez
Sara Baxter
Sarah Freeman
Sarah Riggs Amico
Scott Michaux
Seating Masters
Secretary Ben Carson
SelectSoftware Reviews
Sen. David Perdue
Sen. Johnny Isakson
Sen. Larry Walker
Senator Kelly Loeffler
Shane Jackson
Sharon Dowdy
Sheron Smith
Simply Business
Spc. Ehron Ostendorf, 124th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment
Spencer Kealamakia
Stacey Hudson
Staci Thompson
Stacia Pelletier
Stacy Bush
Staff From Augusta University
Staff Report
Staff Report From Albany CEO
Staff Report From Athens CEO
Staff Report From Atlanta CEO
Staff Report From Augusta CEO
Staff Report From Columbus CEO
Staff Report From Gainesville CEO
Staff Report From Georgia CEO
Staff Report From Metro Atlanta CEO
Staff Report From Middle Georgia CEO
Staff Report From Savannah CEO
Staff Report From South Carolina CEO
State Representative Tommy Benton
Sterling Seacrest Pritchard
Steve Mouzon
Steve Reis
Superintendent Richard Woods
Suresh Kumar
Suzanne Clark
Sydney Barrilleaux
Tal Wright
Taylor Jones
Teresa White
Terry College of Business
The Digital Project Manager
The Family Vacation Guide
The Lazy Trader
The Stock Dork
Ticket Squeeze
Tiffany Burns
Tiffany King
Tim Echols
Tim Lowe
Todd Jones
Tom Donahue
Tom Gehl
Toni Baker
Tony Roberts
Trace One
TRĒ House
Twisted Nail
Ty Tagami
Tyler Wilkins
U.S. Money Reserve
Upgraded Points
Vanessa Wagner
Venture Smarter
Vic Reynolds
Vince Williams
Wade Herring
Wealth of Geeks
Well Kept Wallet
Wes Mayer
Writers Per Hour
Yardi CommercialEdge